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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
907Prelude Correlator rulesTacheNewNormalCVE-2017-9798 - OptionsBleed - CorrelationThomas ANDREJAK09/21/2017 04:38 PM
1253PRELUDE SIEMBugNewHighSupport on K8s Prelude Siem versionQuentin MaravalAbdeljalil RAJOUL06/16/2022 08:36 AM
1211PRELUDE SIEMBugNewNormalprelude-admin does not work on Debian after fresh installSebastian K06/23/2020 03:53 PM
860LibpreludeBugAssignedNormalFedora : ruby sitearchdir need to be vendorarchdirThomas ANDREJAKAntoine LUONG11/25/2019 03:19 PM
1134PRELUDE SIEMBugAssignedNormalprewikka install on raspbianMarc-Antoine delannoyAntoine LUONG08/02/2019 08:36 AM
1093PRELUDE SIEMBugAssignedNormalprelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbianMarc-Antoine delannoyAntoine LUONG05/09/2019 07:14 AM
1092PRELUDE SIEMBugNewNormalprelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbianMarc-Antoine delannoy05/06/2019 09:30 AM
1082PRELUDE SIEMBugAssignedNormalProblem to register my IDS (Suricata) on Prelude OSSMarc-Antoine delannoyAntoine LUONG04/12/2019 12:36 PM
915Prelude-LMLBugNewNormalText spelling issueThomas ANDREJAK12/23/2018 11:38 PM
866LibpreludeDBBugNewNormallibpreludedb : manpages warningThomas ANDREJAK12/23/2018 11:38 PM
867LibpreludeDBBugNewNormallibpreludedb : missing -lpreludecpp when linkingThomas ANDREJAK12/23/2018 11:38 PM
214Prelude-LMLBugNewNormalInvalid classification reference in several LML rulesetsYoann VANDOORSELAERE12/23/2018 11:37 PM
213Prelude-LMLBugNewNormalLML rulesets should be updated to use IDMEF ActionYoann VANDOORSELAERE12/23/2018 11:37 PM
215Prelude-LMLBugNewNormalntsyslog.rules does not detect domain login events09/19/2017 12:40 PM
898LibpreludeDBBugNewNormalAdd pkg-config fileThomas ANDREJAK08/18/2017 08:44 PM
893LibpreludeBugNewNormallibprelude-errors failed compile on hhurd-i386Thomas ANDREJAK06/24/2017 02:23 PM
887LibpreludeBugNewNormalTimer tests on slow systemThomas ANDREJAK05/14/2017 02:22 PM
886LibpreludeBugNewNormalSometimes, test-lock from libmissing wont worksThomas ANDREJAK05/14/2017 02:19 PM
885LibpreludeBugNewNormalSegfault with atfork on arm64, armhf and ppc64elThomas ANDREJAK05/14/2017 02:16 PM
879LibpreludeBugNewNormalM4 for Ruby on Debian 9 not workingThomas ANDREJAK03/27/2017 10:48 PM
878Prelude ManagerBugNewNormalprelude-manager and SystemdThomas ANDREJAK02/27/2017 10:38 PM
870PRELUDE SIEMBugNewNormalprelude-lml /etc permissionsThomas ANDREJAK01/30/2017 12:40 AM
872Prelude-LMLBugNewNormalPrelude-LML check not workingThomas ANDREJAK01/28/2017 06:26 PM
865PRELUDE SIEMBugNewNormalmake distcheck not working on 32bitThomas ANDREJAK12/05/2016 10:33 PM
863PRELUDE SIEMBugNewNormalFSF address in libprelude-errorThomas ANDREJAK11/30/2016 11:14 PM
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