


enum                prelude_option_type_t;
enum                prelude_option_input_type_t;
typedef             prelude_option_t;
typedef             prelude_option_context_t;
int                 (*prelude_option_destroy_callback_t)
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);
int                 (*prelude_option_commit_callback_t) (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);
int                 (*prelude_option_get_callback_t)    (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);
int                 (*prelude_option_set_callback_t)    (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *optarg,
                                                         prelude_string_t *err,
                                                         void *context);
enum                prelude_option_argument_t;
enum                prelude_option_priority_t;
enum                prelude_option_warning_t;
void                prelude_option_set_priority         (prelude_option_t *option,
                                                         prelude_option_priority_t priority);
void                prelude_option_print                (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         int descoff,
                                                         FILE *fd);
int                 prelude_option_wide_send_msg        (prelude_msgbuf_t *msgbuf,
                                                         void *context);
void                prelude_option_destroy              (prelude_option_t *option);
int                 prelude_option_read                 (prelude_option_t *option,
                                                         const char **filename,
                                                         int *argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         prelude_string_t **err,
                                                         void *context);
int                 prelude_option_add                  (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         prelude_option_t **retopt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         char shortopt,
                                                         const char *longopt,
                                                         const char *desc,
                                                         prelude_option_argument_t has_arg,
                                                         int (setprelude_option_t *opt, const char *optarg, prelude_string_t *err, void *context) (),
                                                         int (getprelude_option_t *opt, prelude_string_t *out, void *context) ());
void                prelude_option_set_type             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type);
prelude_option_type_t  prelude_option_get_type          (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_warnings         (prelude_option_warning_t new_warnings,
                                                         prelude_option_warning_t *old_warnings);
char                prelude_option_get_shortname        (prelude_option_t *opt);
const char *        prelude_option_get_longname         (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_data             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         void *data);
void *              prelude_option_get_data             (prelude_option_t *opt);
void *              prelude_option_context_get_data     (prelude_option_context_t *oc);
void                prelude_option_context_set_data     (prelude_option_context_t *oc,
                                                         void *data);
int                 prelude_option_invoke_commit        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);
int                 prelude_option_invoke_set           (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void **context);
int                 prelude_option_invoke_get           (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);
int                 prelude_option_invoke_destroy       (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);
int                 prelude_option_new_root             (prelude_option_t **retopt);
int                 prelude_option_new                  (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         prelude_option_t **retopt);
void                prelude_option_set_longopt          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *longopt);
const char *        prelude_option_get_longopt          (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_description      (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *description);
const char *        prelude_option_get_description      (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_has_arg          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_argument_t has_arg);
prelude_option_argument_t  prelude_option_get_has_arg   (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_value            (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *value);
const char *        prelude_option_get_value            (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_help             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *help);
const char *        prelude_option_get_help             (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_input_validation_regex
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *regex);
const char *        prelude_option_get_input_validation_regex
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_input_type       (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_input_type_t input_type);
prelude_option_input_type_t  prelude_option_get_input_type
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
prelude_list_t *    prelude_option_get_optlist          (prelude_option_t *opt);
prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_get_next             (prelude_option_t *start,
                                                         prelude_option_t *cur);
prelude_bool_t      prelude_option_has_optlist          (prelude_option_t *opt);
prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_get_parent           (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_destroy_callback (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_destroy_callback_t destroy);
prelude_option_destroy_callback_t  prelude_option_get_destroy_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_set_callback     (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_set_callback_t set);
prelude_option_set_callback_t  prelude_option_get_set_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_get_callback     (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         int (getprelude_option_t *opt, prelude_string_t *out, void *context) ());
prelude_option_get_callback_t  prelude_option_get_get_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_commit_callback  (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_commit_callback_t commit);
prelude_option_commit_callback_t  prelude_option_get_commit_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);
void                prelude_option_set_default_context  (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         void *context);
int                 prelude_option_new_context          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_context_t **ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         void *data);
void                prelude_option_context_destroy      (prelude_option_context_t *oc);
prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_search               (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         prelude_bool_t walk_children);
prelude_option_context_t * prelude_option_search_context
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *name);



enum prelude_option_type_t

typedef enum {
        PRELUDE_OPTION_TYPE_CLI  = 0x01,
        PRELUDE_OPTION_TYPE_CFG  = 0x02,
        PRELUDE_OPTION_TYPE_ROOT    = 0x10,
} prelude_option_type_t;

enum prelude_option_input_type_t

typedef enum {
} prelude_option_input_type_t;


typedef struct prelude_option prelude_option_t;


typedef struct prelude_option_context prelude_option_context_t;

prelude_option_destroy_callback_t ()

int                 (*prelude_option_destroy_callback_t)
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

out :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_commit_callback_t ()

int                 (*prelude_option_commit_callback_t) (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

out :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_get_callback_t ()

int                 (*prelude_option_get_callback_t)    (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_string_t *out,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

out :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_callback_t ()

int                 (*prelude_option_set_callback_t)    (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *optarg,
                                                         prelude_string_t *err,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

optarg :

err :

context :

Returns :

enum prelude_option_argument_t

typedef enum {
} prelude_option_argument_t;

enum prelude_option_priority_t

typedef enum {
} prelude_option_priority_t;

enum prelude_option_warning_t

typedef enum {
        PRELUDE_OPTION_WARNING_ARG       = 0x2
} prelude_option_warning_t;

prelude_option_set_priority ()

void                prelude_option_set_priority         (prelude_option_t *option,
                                                         prelude_option_priority_t priority);

prelude_option_set_priority() can be used to associate a priority with an option. This can be used to solve dependancies problem within differents options.

A priority of -1 mean an option will always be executed last (with all other option with a -1 priority).

The default priority for an option is 0, the caller is responssible for the way it assign priority (knowing that highest priority are always executed first).

option :

Pointer on an option object.

priority :

Priority of the option object.

prelude_option_print ()

void                prelude_option_print                (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         int descoff,
                                                         FILE *fd);

Dump option available in opt and hooked to the given types. If opt is NULL, then the root of the option list is used.

opt :

Option(s) to print out.

type :

Only option with specified types will be printed.

descoff :

offset from the begining of the line where the description should start.

fd :

File descriptor where the option should be dumped.

prelude_option_wide_send_msg ()

int                 prelude_option_wide_send_msg        (prelude_msgbuf_t *msgbuf,
                                                         void *context);

msgbuf :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_destroy ()

void                prelude_option_destroy              (prelude_option_t *option);

Destroy a prelude_option_t object and all data associated with it (including all suboption).

option :

Pointer on an option object.

prelude_option_read ()

int                 prelude_option_read                 (prelude_option_t *option,
                                                         const char **filename,
                                                         int *argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         prelude_string_t **err,
                                                         void *context);

prelude_option_read(), parse the given argument and try to match them against option in option. If an option match, it's associated callback function is called with the eventual option argument if any.

Option not matched on the command line are searched in the configuration file specified by filename.

if option is NULL, all system option will be matched against argc, and argv.

option :

A pointer on an option (list).

filename :

Pointer to the config filename.

argc :

Number of argument.

argv :

Argument list.

err :

Pointer to a prelude_string_t object where to store an error string.

context :

Pointer to an optional option context.

Returns :

The index of the first unhandled parameter if option parsing succeeded, or a negative value if an error occured.

prelude_option_add ()

int                 prelude_option_add                  (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         prelude_option_t **retopt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         char shortopt,
                                                         const char *longopt,
                                                         const char *desc,
                                                         prelude_option_argument_t has_arg,
                                                         int (setprelude_option_t *opt, const char *optarg, prelude_string_t *err, void *context) (),
                                                         int (getprelude_option_t *opt, prelude_string_t *out, void *context) ());

prelude_option_add() create a new option. The option is set to be the child of parent, unless it is NULL. In this case the option is a root option.

The type parameters can be set to PRELUDE_OPTION_TYPE_CLI (telling the option may be searched on the command line), PRELUDE_OPTION_TYPE_CFG (telling the option may be searched in the configuration file) or both.

parent :

Pointer on a parent option.

retopt :

Pointer where to store the created option.

type :


shortopt :

Short option name.

longopt :

Long option name.

desc :

Description of the option.

has_arg :

Define if the option has argument.

set :

Callback to be called when the value for this option change.

get :

Callback to be called to get the value for this option.

Returns :

Pointer on the option object, or NULL if an error occured.

prelude_option_set_type ()

void                prelude_option_set_type             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type);

opt :

type :

prelude_option_get_type ()

prelude_option_type_t  prelude_option_get_type          (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_warnings ()

void                prelude_option_set_warnings         (prelude_option_warning_t new_warnings,
                                                         prelude_option_warning_t *old_warnings);

Set current warnings flags to new_warnings.

Uppon return, if not NULL, the pointer to old_warnings is updated to contain the old warnings.

new_warnings :

bitwise OR of prelude_option_warning_t.

old_warnings :

Pointer where to store the old prelude_option_warning_t to.

prelude_option_get_shortname ()

char                prelude_option_get_shortname        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_get_longname ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_longname         (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_data ()

void                prelude_option_set_data             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         void *data);

opt :

data :

prelude_option_get_data ()

void *              prelude_option_get_data             (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_context_get_data ()

void *              prelude_option_context_get_data     (prelude_option_context_t *oc);

oc :

Returns :

prelude_option_context_set_data ()

void                prelude_option_context_set_data     (prelude_option_context_t *oc,
                                                         void *data);

oc :

data :

prelude_option_invoke_commit ()

int                 prelude_option_invoke_commit        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

ctname :

value :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_invoke_set ()

int                 prelude_option_invoke_set           (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void **context);

opt :

ctname :

value :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_invoke_get ()

int                 prelude_option_invoke_get           (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

ctname :

value :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_invoke_destroy ()

int                 prelude_option_invoke_destroy       (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *ctname,
                                                         prelude_string_t *value,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

ctname :

value :

context :

Returns :

prelude_option_new_root ()

int                 prelude_option_new_root             (prelude_option_t **retopt);

retopt :

Returns :

prelude_option_new ()

int                 prelude_option_new                  (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         prelude_option_t **retopt);

parent :

retopt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_longopt ()

void                prelude_option_set_longopt          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *longopt);

opt :

longopt :

prelude_option_get_longopt ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_longopt          (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_description ()

void                prelude_option_set_description      (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *description);

opt :

description :

prelude_option_get_description ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_description      (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_has_arg ()

void                prelude_option_set_has_arg          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_argument_t has_arg);

opt :

has_arg :

prelude_option_get_has_arg ()

prelude_option_argument_t  prelude_option_get_has_arg   (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_value ()

void                prelude_option_set_value            (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *value);

opt :

value :

prelude_option_get_value ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_value            (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_help ()

void                prelude_option_set_help             (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *help);

opt :

help :

prelude_option_get_help ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_help             (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_input_validation_regex ()

void                prelude_option_set_input_validation_regex
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *regex);

opt :

regex :

prelude_option_get_input_validation_regex ()

const char *        prelude_option_get_input_validation_regex
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_input_type ()

void                prelude_option_set_input_type       (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_input_type_t input_type);

opt :

input_type :

prelude_option_get_input_type ()

prelude_option_input_type_t  prelude_option_get_input_type
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_get_optlist ()

prelude_list_t *    prelude_option_get_optlist          (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_get_next ()

prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_get_next             (prelude_option_t *start,
                                                         prelude_option_t *cur);

start :

cur :

Returns :

prelude_option_has_optlist ()

prelude_bool_t      prelude_option_has_optlist          (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_get_parent ()

prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_get_parent           (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_destroy_callback ()

void                prelude_option_set_destroy_callback (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_destroy_callback_t destroy);

opt :

destroy :

prelude_option_get_destroy_callback ()

prelude_option_destroy_callback_t  prelude_option_get_destroy_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_set_callback ()

void                prelude_option_set_set_callback     (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_set_callback_t set);

opt :

set :

prelude_option_get_set_callback ()

prelude_option_set_callback_t  prelude_option_get_set_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_get_callback ()

void                prelude_option_set_get_callback     (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         int (getprelude_option_t *opt, prelude_string_t *out, void *context) ());

opt :

get :

prelude_option_get_get_callback ()

prelude_option_get_callback_t  prelude_option_get_get_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_commit_callback ()

void                prelude_option_set_commit_callback  (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_commit_callback_t commit);

opt :

commit :

prelude_option_get_commit_callback ()

prelude_option_commit_callback_t  prelude_option_get_commit_callback
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt);

opt :

Returns :

prelude_option_set_default_context ()

void                prelude_option_set_default_context  (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         void *context);

opt :

context :

prelude_option_new_context ()

int                 prelude_option_new_context          (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         prelude_option_context_t **ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         void *data);

opt :

ctx :

name :

data :

Returns :

prelude_option_context_destroy ()

void                prelude_option_context_destroy      (prelude_option_context_t *oc);

oc :

prelude_option_search ()

prelude_option_t *  prelude_option_search               (prelude_option_t *parent,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         prelude_option_type_t type,
                                                         prelude_bool_t walk_children);

parent :

name :

type :

walk_children :

Returns :

prelude_option_search_context ()

prelude_option_context_t * prelude_option_search_context
                                                        (prelude_option_t *opt,
                                                         const char *name);

opt :

name :

Returns :