

Marc-Antoine delannoy

  • Registered on: 04/11/2019
  • Last connection: 08/02/2019




08:36 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1134: prewikka install on raspbian
Antoine LUONG wrote:
> Hello,
> You probably lack the python-lesscpy dependency.
> The errors about incompatib...


09:21 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1134 (Assigned): prewikka install on raspbian
I'm trying to set up the latest version of prelude OSS on raspbian. With some effort I installed almost ever...


07:14 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1093: prelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbian
Yes that's what I did and it works with @apt-get install libprelude-dev@
Thank you for your help and excuse me for t...


12:16 PM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1093 (Assigned): prelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbian

I am trying to run the libprelude on a raspberry pi to use suricata with the prelude alert format.
I dow...
09:30 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1092: prelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbian
And if i run @make check@
I have 4 errors.
the end of the output is:...
08:59 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1092 (New): prelude-admin Segmentation Fault raspbian
I am trying to run the libprelude on a raspberry pi to use suricata with the prelude alert format.
I downloa...


12:36 PM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1082: Problem to register my IDS (Suricata) on Prelude OSS
Thanks for your answer.
It's exactly the problem. I just have to use firewall-cmd command to solve it.
Sorry I thou...
08:13 AM PRELUDE SIEM Bug #1082 (Assigned): Problem to register my IDS (Suricata) on Prelude OSS
I have a problem to register my IDS (Suricata) on Prelude OSS. My IDS is on the same network but in a different...

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