Prewikka Scheduled Jobs
Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
I'm running Prelude 4.1.5 on Gentoo 4.17.10. Everything works except Scheduled Jobs in Prewikka. In the GUI the default jobs (Search history deletion/Hourly - Alert deletion/Daily - Heartbeat deletion/Daily) are listed as executed and scheduled for next execution. But all 3 jobs don't do anything. I'm running Prewikka with wsgi and uid:guid apache:apache prewikka-crontab runs with the same uid:gid. Any ideas ?
Replies (10)
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Antoine LUONG about 6 years ago
Hello, did you configure the [cron] sections in prewikka.conf? This is necessary for the alert/heartbeat deletion.
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
I configured the 3 cron sections in prewikka.conf.
[cron alert]
age: 1
[cron heartbeat]
age: 1
[cron search_history]
size: 10
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Antoine LUONG about 6 years ago
Did you restart the prewikka-crontab service after modifying the configuration? Are there any errors in the logs?
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Antoine LUONG about 6 years ago
It may be a bug with the prewikka-crontab executable currently not working with Python3. Can you apply the following patch?
diff --git a/scripts/prewikka-crontab b/scripts/prewikka-crontab
index 9d90fd5..41d03c5 100644
--- a/scripts/prewikka-crontab
+++ b/scripts/prewikka-crontab
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def _daemonize(options):
getattr(sys, i).close()
setattr(sys, i, nd)
- os.umask(027)
+ os.umask(0o27)
_LOCKFD.write('%s\n' % (os.getpid()))
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
prewikka-crontab runs as:
apache 27784 9.6 0.6 211816 54908 ? Ss 20:23 0:00 /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/lib/python-exec/python2.7/prewikka-crontab
I'm not sure if the patch would help. For testing i applied it.
If i select in the GUI under Apps Update/Confirm and return to Scheduled Jobs I have an error for Search history deletion: Scheduled job with invalid extension type 'search_history'. But only in this order. Normally i don't have this error. Maybe not related to my problem.
RE: RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Antoine LUONG about 6 years ago
No, that's unrelated (it was fixed in version 4.1.8).
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
I changed my openrc init script to:
start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/prewikka-crontab --user=apache:apache --exec /usr/bin/prewikka-crontab -- d - -c /etc/prewikka/prewikka.conf
New with the -c and -d options. Lockfile /tmp/prewikka-crontab-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.lock created now with correct uid:gid.
The Prewikka_Crontab table:
| id | name | userid | schedule | ext_type | ext_id | base | enabled | runcnt | error |---------------------------+--------+------------+----------------+--------+---------------------+---------+--------+-------+
| 1 | Search history deletion | NULL | 0 * * * * | search_history | NULL | 2018-08-01 09:00:04 | 1 | 95 | NULL |
| 2 | Alert deletion | NULL | 0 23 * * * | alert | NULL | 2018-08-01 09:20:21 | 1 | 8 | NULL |
| 3 | Heartbeat deletion | NULL | 0 23 * * * | heartbeat | NULL | 2018-08-01 09:20:21 | 1 | 8 | NULL |---------------------------+--------+------------+----------------+--------+---------------------+---------+--------+-------+
No userid ? Timezone support doesn't work properly. Scheduled jobs are executed one hour later as scheduled. 09:20 was actually 10:20. TZ is Atlantic/Canary in GUI/Admin/Preferences.
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
Cronjobs are working now. Problem was TZ. Machine is suspended after 01:00. With default cronjob time the jobs where never really executed because 00:00 is actually 01:00 with my TZ setting. Maybe you can fix the TZ behaviour in a future release.
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Thomas ANDREJAK about 6 years ago
What is your version of python-croniter ?
RE: Prewikka Scheduled Jobs - Added by Rudolf Spring about 6 years ago
dev-python/croniter-0.3.17::gentoo USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_6 -python3_4 -python3_5"