Bug #1211
prelude-admin does not work on Debian after fresh install
I am trying to use prelude-admin on a Ubuntu-like system. In particular, I want to register to a server. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
When installing prelude 5.1.0 via sources, it does build successfully, but I get a single failed test during 'make check':
PASS: test-localename
../../test-driver: line 95: 6213 Aborted "$@" > $log_file 2>&1
FAIL: test-rwlock1
PASS: test-lock
The command 'prelude-admin' does show the help menu, but adding any argument or command, e.g. 'prelude-admin register' results in a SegFault (similar to another issue: https://www.prelude-siem.org/issues/1092). The log file states "Unexpected outcome 3".
Then I tried installing the binaries (v4.1.0) after removing everything with 'make uninstall' and rebooting the system. Following the docs, I installed it via
apt install prelude-utils
Now, I can execute the registration command like this without an SegFault:
prelude-admin register my_sensor_name "idmef:w" <x.x.x.x> --uid 0 --gid 0
This throws an error stating that
error creating directory /var/spool/prelude/my_sensor_name: No such file or directory.
I am root on this system, so it shouldn't be a kind of access issue. Also, the server works just fine.
Can somebody tell me, where these errors come from and how I can fix them?
Thanks in advance,
#1 Updated by Thomas ANDREJAK about 4 years ago
Can you create the folder /var/spool/prelude and retry "prelude-admin register" ?