


  • Add support for newer GnuTLS 2.2.0 session priority functions. When the option is available, the user might specify TLS settings through the "tls-options" configuration entry.
  • Workaround a GnuTLS issue where the client wouldn't be able to negotiate a supported compression protocol with the server (#299).
  • Implement variable substitution in Prelude configuration files.
  • Allow IDMEF criteria with multiples values for a single path, as can be seen in the following example:
alert.classification.text = (A || B)

This will be internally translated to the original criteria language:

alert.classification.text = A || alert.classification.text = B

  • Implement negation of idmef-criteria, allowing to write criteria like:
  ! (alert.classification.text = A || alert.classification.text = B)
  • Fix an IDMEF-Criteria matching problem, where the match function would not attempt to match a OR after multiple consecutive AND that failed. Thanks Alexander Afonyashin <firm(at)> for pointing out the problem.
  • Never use non-pointer field, always use the "required" keyword. Fix API consistency issue, that could lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Fix multiples problem with prelude_read_multiline / prelude_read_multiline2, (fix a problem with prelude-manager idmef-criteria that wouldn't read
    external ruleset).
  • Error out if GnuTLS initialization fail.